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Each place celebrates this holiday with different traditions that have a lot to do with food. Far from what you might think, Halloween did not originate in the United States, but in Ireland. Therefore, this European country is a standard when considering the most popular dishes of the day. But we still consider North America or any country where vacations are important.
Typical halloween dishes around the world
However, despite the growing popularity of Halloween in Spain, our vacations continue the following day, November 1, Halloween.
On this day, you can find some very typical sweets in different points of the geography of Spain.
For example, wind cakes, cookies, sacred bones, pestinios, quince paste or, of course, chestnuts are very popular. Indeed, in the north of the country, especially in Catalonia, La Castañada is celebrated, in which the producer is the hero.
Atribución: MiguelAlanCS
United States
In the United States, it is impossible to imagine Halloween cuisine without pumpkins and dishes made with this product. Pumpkin pie, sponge cake or custard pie are a sure treat anywhere in the United States.
Apples also play a prominent role, as Halloween coincides with the end of the fruit harvest. Processing apple dishes will make the most of this produce. One of the most common is the caramel apple. However, in the United States, the preparation of Halloween-themed dishes is also popular. Here are just a few of the comments.
What about the candy, where does the tradition of the procedure or treat come from?
In Ireland, we find the true origins of Halloween. In fact, the word is a Scottish contraction of the English phrase All Hallows 'Even', which means 'All Hallows' Eve'.
Irish immigrants brought this celebration to North American countries and from there it spread to the rest of the world.
Therefore, we pay special attention to the gastronomy of Halloween in this place.
The most famous dish eaten by the Irish on this day is Colcannon, a dish made with cabbage, mashed potatoes, shallots, milk, butter, salt and pepper. This recipe is very typical for them during family gatherings, such as St. Patrick's Day.
In addition, Boxty, an Irish potato pie, is also popular. The sweet sensation is provided by spirit cakes, which are cookies traditionally used to symbolize the souls emerging from purgatory.